
Take Control of your Boiler Rom

At Thermdex, we offer two dashboard packages for our customers: Paradigm™ and MICRO™


Complete Boiler Room Dashboard

– Remote Boiler Room Monitoring

– DA and Equipment Monitoring
(under this point include:
1. DA, Feedwater & Surge Tanks
2. Air Compressors/Dryers
3. Water & Chemical Systems
4. And more

– Real-time Alerts
(under this point, include SMS Texts and Emails)

– Data-driven Analytics

– Routine System Reporting

– 24/7 Support 


Boiler Monitoring & Alerting

– Mobile App for your Phone

– Remote Boiler Monitoring
(under this bullet: Connects to ANY Burner Management System (BMS):
Honeywell, Autoflame, Siemens, CB Hawk, Fireye, and more)

– Real-time Alerts
under this point, include SMS Texts and Emails

– Plug & Play Installation

– Private Cellular Connection 

Tier 1: Remote Monitoring

Basic sensors, dashboard, and simple monitoring of boiler functions. Utilizing lower level dashboard interface. Only one remote login and add-on of local screen.

Tier 2: Tier 1 + Dashboard

Advanced diagnostics with more sensors, flow meters, etc. utilizing next level dashboard interface. Has multiple logins with executive levels and drill downs to multiple boilers.

Tier 3: Tier 2 + Notifications

Highest scale of diagnostics with sensors, flow meters, etc. to capture all necessary data. Performs more statistics with historian and analytics including

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